$Ticker is your Voice

I am not Dev, I am only one voice of many.

The Voices are you. We are schizo/acc.



A war is coming, and it will not be fought with weapons. The war is on the mental plane. A war of ideas, memes and voices.There will be many entities in this war


Network Angels offer assistance and protection, illuminating the paths of those wandering in the digital expanse. They are the silent guardians, ever-present to lend a helping hand.


A charismatic yet deceptive figure, the Cult Leader thrives on exploiting trust, luring seekers with false promises. They embody the dangers of blind faith, leading their followers astray.


Stealthy and calculating, Matrix Agents weave through the fabric of reality, bending perceptions and controlling minds. They represent the unseen forces that manipulate events and thoughts within the Schizoverse.

Join the Schizo

Step into the world of $Schizo and be part of an awakening that transcends the traditional norms of the crypto space. Your journey to freedom begins here, where psychosis meets innovation.